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If you are creating a Web application that includes dynamic elements from a database, Live View can also serve you well.

If Dreamweaver is unable to complete the connection, an error message appears with several possible solutions listed. Cross-Reference Live View is extremely helpful in building your Web applications. Find out more about how to use this important feature in Chapter Browser Navigation toolbar Working with the status bar The status bar is found at the bottom of the Document window. These helpful status bar tools provide the Web designer with several timesaving utilities. On the left side of the status bar, you see a listing of the current HTML tags.

When you first open a blank page in Dreamweaver, you see only the tag. If you type a line of text and then press Enter Return , the paragraph tag appears. The Tag Selector keeps continuous track of where you are in the HTML document by displaying the tags surrounding your current cursor position.

This becomes especially important when you are building complex Web pages that use such features as nested tables. Using the Tag Selector, you can quickly choose any of the elements surrounding your current cursor. After an element is selected, you can modify or delete it. If you have the Property inspector described later in this chapter onscreen, choosing a different code from the Tag Selector makes the corresponding options available in the Property inspector.

All graphics, text, and other elements you have inserted through the Document window are erased. The tag is also left intact. As you move your pointer over individual codes in the Tag Selector, they are highlighted; click one, and the code becomes bold.

Tags are displayed from left to right in the Tag Selector — starting on the far left with the most inclusive in this case, the tag and proceeding to the narrowest selection here, the italic tag on the far right. Rather than rely on the click-and-drag method to highlight an area — which often grabs unwanted sections of your code, such as tags — use the Tag Selector to unerringly pick just the code you want.

Using this menu in Design view, you can remove the tag or select a class or id attribute for the tag. From either Design view or Code view, you can also modify the tag by choosing Edit Tag from the context menu.

Figure The Tag Selector enables you to highlight just the code you want. If you select the tag here, only the portion of the text enclosed by that tag is chosen. The first set of tools on the right side of the status bar offer Dreamweaver designers a number of options for viewing and interacting with the page at design time. With the new Zoom enhancement, Dreamweaver joins the ranks of other page layout programs by offering designers the ability to magnify a page for finer design control.

In the typical design session, Dreamweaver is generally in Select mode, which allows the selection and manipulation of any and all page elements. Choose the Hand tool to pan around a page that is larger than the Document window, whether or not the page is magnified.

The Zoom tool works in a multifaceted fashion similar to graphic applications such as Photoshop and Fireworks. For example, one click magnifies the area from to percent and then another goes to percent magnification and so on. Hold Alt Option while clicking to zoom out of an area. LL Drag a rectangle around the area to magnify to view that section at the highest magnification, as shown in Figure Zoom tool To zoom in or out by a preset amount, select a value from the Set Magnification pop-up menu.

Magnification options range from 6 to percent. You can also opt to zoom in on a specific selection by choosing Fit Selection, the width of the page by choosing Fit Width, or view the entire page by choosing Fit All.

To quickly begin selecting in standard magnification, double-click the Pointer tool. To return to editing the page — at any magnification level — click the Select tool. Window Size pop-up menu The universality of the Internet enables virtually any type of computer system from anywhere in the world to access publicly available Web pages. Although this accessibility is a boon to global communication, it forces Web designers to be aware of how their creations look under various circumstances — especially different screen sizes.

The Window Size pop-up menu gives designers a sense of how their pages look on different monitors. If you resize your Document window, the Window Size indicator updates instantly. This indicator gives you an immediate check on the dimensions of the current page. The Window Size pop-up menu goes beyond just telling you the size of your screen, however — it also enables you to quickly view your page through a wide variety of monitor sizes. Naturally, your monitor must be capable of displaying the larger screen dimensions in order for you to select them.

To select a different screen size, click once on the expander arrow to the right of the displayed dimensions to bring up a menu listing the standard sizes, as shown in Figure Click a size from the menu.

Note If no sizes are listed in the status bar, you may be in Code view, described later in this chapter. If you can see the menu, but the options are disabled, your Document window is maximized this happens only in the Dreamweaver integrated workspace for Windows users. The first option, w, is the only option that does not change the height as well as the width. Instead, this option uses the current window height and alters only the width.

Tip You can set up your own custom screen settings by choosing Edit Sizes from the Window Size pop-up menu. This option opens the Status Bar category of the Preferences dialog box. Chapter 3 describes how to modify the pop-up list. The Document window has been carefully designed to match specifications set by the primary browsers.

Okay, this example is a tad extreme, but every Web developer knows that opening a page from your hard drive and opening a page over the Internet are two vastly different experiences. Dreamweaver has taken the guesswork out of loading a page from the Web by providing the Download Indicator. The Download Indicator is located to the right of the Window Size item on the status bar. As illustrated in Figure , Dreamweaver gives you two values, separated by a slash character: Figure Find the Download Indicator in the status bar.

Download indicator LL The cumulative size of the page, including all the associated graphics, plugins, and multimedia files, measured in kilobytes KB LL The time it takes to download at a particular modem connection speed, measured in seconds sec Tip You can check the download size of any individual graphic by selecting it and looking at the Property inspector — you can find the file size in kilobytes next to the thumbnail image on the left.

As a Web designer, you ultimately have to decide what your audience will deem is worth the wait and what will have them reaching for that Stop button. For example, the graphic shown in Figure is attractive and, at less than 10KB, it helps keep the entire page at an acceptable 60KB. Remember that all the component parts of a page make up the total file weight shown in the Download Indicator.

Cross-Reference Not everybody has the same modem connection. If you are working with an intranet or on a broadband site, you can set your connection speed far higher.

Likewise, if your site gets a lot of traffic, you can lower the connection speed. Dreamweaver puts a number of repetitive tasks, such as previewing your page in a browser, just a function key away.

However, there are far more necessary operations than there are function keys. In an effort to put needed functionality right up front, Dreamweaver incorporates four toolbars — Standard, Document, Browser Navigation and Style Rendering — located across the top of the Document window.

In addition, Dreamweaver has two other bars built into the interface that provide essential functionality: the Application and Related Files bar. In addition to the menus, you can also find the following user interface elements in the Application bar, shown in Figure Figure The goal of the Application bar is to surface commonly used features such as creating a new site or searching help.

Dreamweaver: Dreamweaver is wonderfully extensible and you can add many time-saving abilities through the free and commercial extensions available. Two other menu items give you direct access to some of the available extensions. LL Extend The Site menu button offers two options. Manage Sites displays the full-featured Manage Sites dialog box, which allows you to edit, duplicate, or remove existing sites; import or export site settings; or set up new sites or direct server connections.

LL Site: switcher: As described earlier in this chapter, the Workspace switcher is used to modify your Dreamweaver environment. You can either choose from default workspaces or create your own custom ones. LL Workspace The search field included in the Application bar allows you to perform online searches of the Dreamweaver Help system. Enter a term and then press Enter Return or click the magnifying glass icon to load the search results in your primary browser.

Any such documents, or related files, are listed in the order they are included in the primary Web page, after a Source Code link, which, when clicked, displays the primary Web page in Code view.

The beauty of the Related Files feature is that you can click the entry for a related file to open it in Code view while continuing to display the complete Web page in Design or Live Data view.

Caution Some Web pages can include a great number of related files — often too many to deal with practically. Just click the Filter icon found on the far right of the Related Files bar and toggle on just the file types you need.

You can even create a custom filter to restrict the related files displayed to a common file name or extension. Figure The Document toolbar offers easy access to an important element of a Web page, the title. These buttons are mutually exclusive because only one view can be shown at a time.

To the right of the first three buttons are two more viewrelated buttons: Live Code and Live View. As previously explained, when Live View is selected, Dreamweaver renders the page with the built-in browser. Choose Live Code to reveal the code as processed by the browser. Click Inspect to display color-coded backgrounds for the margins yellow , padding purple , border green , and content blue areas of any element you hover over while in Live View.

Checking for browser errors With the wide range of browsers on the market today — many with different rendering capabilities — Web designers need to keep a close eye on their page from start to finish.

Dreamweaver offers a handy debugging feature known as Check Browser Compatibility. Check Browser Compatibility relies on the Web-building community for its expertise. With the Check Browser Compatibility feature, Dreamweaver currently inspects the page for 26 different CSS issues that affect a full range of modern browsers.

You have the option of choosing any or all of six different browsers and specifying the minimum acceptable browser version. The Check Browser Compatibility menu offers these options: Browser Compatibility: Checks the current page against the browser versions selected in the Settings dialog box. LL Check Issue: Displays the first or next problem Dreamweaver found in Split view with the cause of the error marked with a wavy red underline.

Mouse over the error to see an explanation of the error in a tooltip; Dreamweaver also lists the browser or browsers in which the error occurs. Double-click an entry to highlight that error in Split view.

Ignored Issue List: Opens the Exceptions. LL Edit Accessibility: Runs the Accessibility report for the current file; any errors are displayed in the Results panel. LL Report Opens the Target Browsers dialog box where you specify which browser and browser version you want Dreamweaver to check. LL Settings: I find it helpful to run the Browser Compatibility Check after each major CSS addition layout, text styling, and so on during the design stage rather than wait until the page is fully completed.

By keeping a close eye on browser compatibility, I keep the debugging compartmentalized and easier to solve. So many variations exist among the different browser programs — not to mention versions — that you absolutely must test your page throughout the development process. Selecting the Preview in Browser button on the Document toolbar next to Inspect presents a dynamic list of available browsers. All the browsers entered in Preferences appear first, with the primary and secondary browsers leading the list.

When invoked, this command opens the Preview in Browser category of Preferences, enabling you to add, remove, or otherwise manage the browsers on your system in relation to Dreamweaver. A series of options toggle Web page—focused helper tools on and off. Dreamweaver, by default, titles every new page Untitled Document. Not only is it considered bad form to keep this default title, search engines need a relevant title to properly index a site.

To change a page title, enter the new text in the Title field and press Enter Return to confirm your modification. The File Management button which contains Web-publishing—related commands is to the right of the Title field. I prefer to post these changes as quickly as possible to get the work off my virtual desk. The Get and Put options, along with the Check In and Check Out options, found on the Document toolbar under File Management, greatly simplify the process and speed up my work.

Note that these commands are only available if you have defined a remote site as part of your site definition. This command is enabled only if the current document is marked as read-only. LL Check 60 Out: Marks the file as checked out and gets the remote file.

In: Marks the file as checked in and puts the file to the remote site. Chapter 2: Touring Dreamweaver LL Undo Check Out: Replaces the local version of the page with the remote version, effectively undoing any changes made on the local file.

In Site: Selects the current page in the file listings of the Site panel. This command is enabled only if the current file has been saved.

As shown in Figure , the Standard toolbar offers some of the most frequently used editing commands, familiar to you from any word processing program. Figure The Standard toolbar contains frequently used editing commands. These create a new document, open an existing document, display available assets in Adobe Bridge, save the current document, save all open documents, and print the code of the current document.

The next group of buttons includes Cut, Copy, and Paste. These enable you to place a selected item on the clipboard and then paste it into another location. The final group of buttons on the Standard toolbar includes the all-important Undo and Redo. Undo removes the effects of the last action you performed, and Redo repeats the most recent action or performs an undone action again.

In Windows, you can reposition the Standard toolbar by clicking one of the separator bars between the toolbar buttons and then dragging. If you drag the Standard toolbar away from the edge of the window, it becomes a floating toolbar.

You can dock the Standard toolbar by dragging it to the top or bottom edge of the window. On a Mac, the Standard toolbar cannot be repositioned. Although Web designers most frequently do not specify a media type at all — which is the same as using one style sheet for all output devices — savvy designers take the time to optimize their pages for both screen and printer at a minimum. Through the Style Rendering toolbar see Figure , Dreamweaver allows designers to switch from one type to another, if defined.

This feature is extremely helpful for quickly converting a standard screen-based layout to one that is more print-friendly. As Web designers re-style their content to fit other devices, like handhelds, the Style Rendering toolbar becomes indispensable. This capability is extremely helpful when optimizing your CSS; for example, without CSS layout, you can quickly tell how a screen reader would approach your page and determine if content needs to be repositioned to make it more understandable.

The next three buttons on the Style Rendering toolbar — Increase Text Size, Reset Text Size, and Decrease Text size — help you simulate that effect so you can gauge how your layout is affected. Hyperlinks have five different states possible: LL Link: The initial state of the hyperlink when the page first loads. These pseudo-class buttons are mutually exclusive and you can display only one at a time. The Coding toolbar The Coding toolbar is quite different from the other toolbars in a number of ways.

The Coding toolbar also cannot be repositioned in either Windows or Mac. These differences, however, quickly fall by the wayside once coders understand the power inherent in the toolbar. Much of the functionality is unique to the Coding toolbar see Figure although a few commands are replicated from elsewhere in the Dreamweaver interface for ease of use.

The very top button, Open Documents, falls into the former category; click the Open Documents button to see a list of all files currently open. What distinguishes this button from other file listings — on the document tabs and under the Window menu — is the listing of the full path to the file rather than just the filename.

The first time you have four files from separate folders, all named index. Tip The Code Navigator allows you to quickly move to any code functions related to or affecting the current selection. Click any link to go directly to the code. When clicked, Collapse Full Tag expands the current selection to the immediate tag and collapses the code.

Select Parent Tag quickly highlights the tag surrounding the current selection, and Balance Braces selects code within the matching set of parentheses, braces, or square brackets. Caution Dreamweaver reads your code as you write it or make any changes in Code view. If any errors are found in the syntax of your code, a yellow info bar appears at the top of the document with the line number of a possible problem in your code if the Show Error Alerts In Info Bar option is enabled.

NET, JSP, PHP, or ColdFusion style comments, depending on the application server used 64 Chapter 2: Touring Dreamweaver Each of the comment options wraps a selection in the chosen comment style; in the case of single line style comments, the comments are placed at the start of each selected line.

If no code is highlighted, an empty comment of the desired type is inserted. Paired with the Apply Comment button is another option for deleting them, Remove Comment. The Remove Comment feature uncomments any selected code and will remove multiple comments unless they are nested.

In the case of nested comments, only the outer comments are deleted. Need a quick way to add a parent tag to a selection? Choose Wrap Tag and you can easily enter the desired outer element, along with any desired attributes and values. Press Enter Return to confirm your choices and the parent tag code is inserted. You can wrap content with much more than a single tag through the Recent Snippets button. The Recent Snippets feature lists the 10 most recently used snippets, which can be either wrap or block type.

Inline styles are somewhat harder to manage and more limited in their effect and, under most circumstances, should be converted to rules. You can specify an existing style sheet or create a new one to hold your rules.

This command is especially beneficial for designers who — like me — prefer to embed CSS rules when first creating a new layout. The final buttons on the Coding toolbar are used for styling your code. The Indent Code and Outdent Code buttons move selected code blocks in or out according to the options set in the Code Format category of Preferences. The final button, Format Source Code, allows you to style either the entire document or a selection of your code according to the Code Format Settings — which, along with another code style option, Tag Libraries — is also available under this menu.

And, like other Web browsers, Live View can be used to jump from one page to another via links or by direct URL input. You can control how you move through a site — and the code displayed — through the Browser Navigation toolbar. Note Much of the Browser Navigation toolbar functionality is given over to mimicking a traditional browser.

There are back and forward buttons, an easy way to refresh the page, an address field for quick URL entry, and even a home icon to get you back where you started. More Dreamweaver-specific commands that, for example, allow you to freeze JavaScript and reveal generated code, are handily grouped under a menu button.

The key elements of the Browser Navigation toolbar are: Back LL and Forward: Browser-like buttons for moving to and from a previously selected Web page. Shows current page URL and can be used to enter a new Web address. View options: Contains a collection of commands related to Live View. Figure Open pages from the Web, complete with source code, with the Browser Navigation toolbar.

LL Disable Plugins: Turns any plugin, such as the Flash Player, off so you can test your page output is that scenario. LL Follow Links Continuously: Displays related pages when the link is clicked without requiring a modifier key. Testing Server for Document Source: Pulls the linked pages from the designated testing server in the Site dialog box. Figure illustrates the Insert panel. These advanced categories are available only when the currently open document is of the relevant file type, as determined by its file extension.

Table shows the file extensions related to each category. Switch from one category to another by selecting the appropriate choice from the category menu see Figure From the Workspace switcher, choose Classic to move the Insert panel to its former position above the Document window. Once the change is made, if you prefer the Insert panel tab view rather than the menu view, choose Show As Tabs from the bottom of the category menu.

To switch back, right-click and choose Show As Menu, as shown in Figure When you hover over them with your cursor, they change to a colored icon. Common objects The most frequently used HTML elements, aside from text, are accessible through the Common category of the Insert panel. The Insert panel in Dreamweaver uses menu buttons in each category, like the Images and Media menus in the Common category.

Menu buttons are identifiable by a small downward-pointing arrow to the right of the button. Numerous objects are contained within each menu group; when you choose an object, that object becomes the default item for the menu. For example, if you choose Image Placeholder from the Images menu group, the icon for that menu item is displayed in the Insert panel.

The first time any menu button is accessed, no default object yet exists, and you must choose an object from the menu group. Everything from basic images to the navigation bar is available from the Images group, as shown in Figure The Script group contains only two objects — Script and No Script — that give the designer the option of including JavaScript external files or functions or telling the browser what to display if the user does not have JavaScript enabled.

Templates are special Dreamweaver documents that define the layout and visual design of a page. Many of the common objects open a dialog box that enables you to browse for a file or specify parameters. If you prefer to enter all your information including the necessary filenames through the Property inspector or in Code view, you can turn off the automatic appearance of the dialog box for some objects when inserted through the Insert panel or the menus.

Note Additional Preferences settings, located in the Accessibility category of the Preferences dialog box, also cause dialog boxes to appear when you insert an object using the Insert panel. These accessibility dialog boxes appear even if the Show Dialog When Inserting Objects option is clear. The Head menu objects enable Web designers to drop in these bits of code in a handy object format.

Simply click any of the objects, and a dialog box opens, prompting you for the needed information. Script menu objects simplify the task of adding custom scripts or server-side includes to your page.

Layout objects You use the Layout category of the Insert panel to work with tables, tags, AP elements, and frames — objects that enable you to define the layout of your page. These objects are explained a bit later in this chapter in the section covering the Spry category, Spry Objects. You can use Standard mode where you define the structure of a table using dialog boxes, menu commands, and the Property inspector , or you can use Expanded Table mode where the table structure is made more obvious for easy modification.

Switch between these mutually exclusive modes by clicking their buttons in the Layout category. The final button in the category, the Frames menu button, lists a full range of frame layouts.

Figure Whether working with or tags, the Layout category has what you need. Note Because of the visual nature of tables and AP elements, many of the objects in the Layout category can be used only in Design view. The Forms category of the Insert panel gives you the basic building blocks for creating your Web-based form — including the Form tag, Text field, Checkbox, and Radio buttons — as shown in Figure As with the Layout category, the Forms category has several JavaScript-driven objects.

These Spry-based elements provide form validation as well as the basic form object. Data objects Although the layout of a Web page and the dynamic content that fills it may vary widely, much of the code underlying basic Web data operations remains the same. For example, the basic code that is used to insert employee records into a Human Resources database may also be used to add a new entry into a database that maintains a DVD collection.

Dreamweaver removes much of the tedium of scripting common Web applications by supplying objects in the Data category of the Insert panel.

For more information about the Spry elements, see the following section. With a single Data object, you can build an entire Web application that displays a list of records, enables you to navigate through them, displays which records are currently onscreen, and links to another page with detailed information from a selected record. The Spry objects in Dreamweaver make it easy to apply the more powerful facets of Ajax, including the capability to update data in a portion of the page without refreshing the entire page.

The Spry category of the Insert panel, shown in Figure , is divided into three groups: data, forms, and layout. The first object in the group, Spry Data Set, is a wizard that establishes the connection to the data and, optionally, lays out the elements. The other objects are components of this process and can be applied separately. Table details the individual Spry data objects.

Spry Repeat Establishes a repeating region for Spry data within or tags. Spry Repeat List Repeats Spry data for list-related tags, such as , , or.

Chapter 2: Touring Dreamweaver The Spry form objects add client-side validation to a range of form elements. With validation enabled, users are immediately informed if they enter their information in the wrong format. Table lists the available Spry form objects. Spry Validation Textarea Inserts a textarea form element that can be required or restricted to a certain number of characters.

Spry Validation Checkbox Includes a checkbox form element to the page that can be required or, if multiple checkboxes are used, restricted to a minimum or maximum selected. Spry Validation Select Adds a menu select list to the page that checks to see if a choice or invalid selection has been made.

Spry Validation Password Inserts a password field with masked input, which can require a defined number of letters, numbers, uppercase letters, and special characters. Spry Validation Confirm Adds a password or text field where the input value is required to match the input value of another such field on the form.

Spry Validation Radio Group Includes two or more radio buttons, which can be required. Each of the Spry layout options — from the Menu Bar to the Accordion panel — are easily customizable in Design view with the help of the dedicated Property inspectors.

Table provides details about the Spry layout objects. Spry Tabbed Panels Adds a series of content areas to the page, each made visible by selecting the corresponding tab.

Spry Accordion Initially includes two sliding content areas, which can be opened and closed interactively by the page visitor; additional areas can easily be added. Spry Collapsible Panel Inserts a pod-like region that can be expanded or collapsed with a mouse click.

Multiple panels, independently controlled, can be applied to a page. Spry Tooltip Adds a completely customizable tooltip to any page selection, which can be configured with various effects, such as fade and blind. InContext Editing objects InContext Editing is a commercial service from Adobe that allows anyone to make updates to specific areas of their Web pages directly through the browser, without installing any additional software.

InContext Editing is perfect for those clients who want control of their content, but lack the technical expertise to create and modify the pages in a Web authoring tool like Dreamweaver. The InContext Editing editable areas are inserted and managed through the objects found in the Insert panel InContext Editing category, shown in Figure In addition to an object for creating an editable region, this category also includes another for generating a repeating region.

Figure InContext Editing objects make it possible to modify Web pages directly in the browser. Figure Change the format of selected text by choosing a Text object. The Text objects behave differently, depending on whether you are working in Design view or Code view. If you are working in Code view, Dreamweaver puts you in charge and simply surrounds whatever text is selected with the appropriate HTML tags. If no text is selected, the tag pair is inserted at the current text insertion point.

In Design view, Dreamweaver also surrounds selected text with the appropriate tag pair. The following examples illustrate the additional processing that occurs in Design view: LL In Design view, the Paragraph, Preformatted Text, Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 objects are treated as mutually exclusive. If you select text that is formatted as a Heading 1, and then you click the Heading 2 button on the Insert panel, Dreamweaver not only surrounds the selected text with tags, but also removes the tags that were there before.

In Code view, Dreamweaver simply adds the tags without automatically removing the tags. This is inappropriate coding and should be avoided. LL When you select one or more paragraphs of text in Design view and then click the Unordered List button, Dreamweaver creates a bulleted list by inserting tags around the selected text, as in Code view. But in Design view, Dreamweaver additionally converts each paragraph to a separate item in that list by inserting the appropriate tags.

The same is true for Ordered lists and Definition lists. In Design view, if no text is selected when you click one of the text formatting buttons in this category, no tags are added until you start typing.

This feature helps prevent the inclusion of empty tag pairs within your document. The Text category contains a single menu button: Characters. Dreamweaver eases the entry of these complex, hard-to-remember codes with the Characters objects. The most commonly used characters are included as separate objects, and another button opens a dialog box with additional special characters from which to choose.

The Characters category also contains objects for inserting a line break and a nonbreaking space. Favorites Because you can choose from an overwhelming number of objects on the Insert panel, the Favorites category is a welcome and productive addition to Dreamweaver. All modification of the Favorites category is handled through the Customize Favorite Objects dialog box see Figure , which shows all the available objects on the left and the selected objects on the right. Objects can be grouped through use of a dotted-line separator.

To add, remove, or modify objects in the Favorites category, follow these steps: 1. Choose Favorites from the Insert panel menu or tab.

In the Customize Favorite Objects dialog, select the category holding the object you want to display in the Favorites category from the drop-down list under Available Objects. The All category displays every available object, sorted by category. Choose an object from those listed in the Available Objects area and select the doublearrow button.

The selected item moves to the Favorite Objects list. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to declare additional objects as favorites. Change the order in which the objects are displayed by selecting an object and then clicking Up or Down to move the object left or right, respectively.

To delete an object from the Favorites list, select it and choose Remove. To group objects together, choose Add Separator to insert a dotted-line divider.

You can modify these objects at any time by re-opening the Customize Favorite Objects dialog. Only available when the current document is named with an extension of. This category is available on the Insert panel only if the active document has a file extension of. The first is Flow, which inserts ColdFusion markup tags that alter the flow of control through the code.

The second is Advanced, which provides numerous advanced functions, such as those that enable you to transfer files and data using a variety of protocols. This category is available only if you are working in a document with the extension of. For example, click anywhere on a blank Web page, and the Property inspector set to HTML shows text attributes for format, bold, italic, and so on.

When in CSS mode, the same selection displays the targeted rule, font name, size, color, and so on. XML and InDesign. Discover the power of XML publishing with InDesign, and create content for multiple applications - including digital-first publishing workflows.

Flash Catalyst CS5 Bible. Adobe Flash Catalyst enables you to take designs from Photoshop and Illustrator and convert them into rich Flash-based applications - without writing or even understanding one line of code.

It may sound too good to be true, but this helpful reference shows you how to leverage the Flash skills you already have in order to convert your idea Flash enables you to create animations and can also be used to build an interactive, multimedia Web site.

Completely enhanced and revised, this must-have reference covers everything you need to know to learn and master the latest version of Flash. Top Flash trainer and author Todd Perkins provides you with unparalleled comprehensive cover As the industry standard in professional layout and design, InDesign delivers powerful publishing solutions for magazine, newspaper, and other publishing fields.

This introductory book is an easy-to-understand reference for anyone migrating from another software application or those with little-to-no desktop publishing experience. Next page. Due to its large file size, this book may take longer to download.

Fire Phones Fire Phone. Next 3 for you in this series See full series. Books In This Series 22 Books. Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. Christopher Negus. Roger Braunstein. Mark Fitzgerald. John Walkenbach. Ellen Finkelstein. Thomas Myer. Joseph Lowery. Kindle Edition. About the Author Joseph Lowery has been writing about computers and new technology since His books are international bestsellers, having sold more than , copies worldwide in eleven different languages.

Joe is also a consultant and trainer and has presented at Seybold in both Boston and San Francisco, Adobe conferences in the U. He is currently a partner in Mark of the Joe Communications, an eLearning consultancy.

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Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. Top reviews Most recent Top reviews. Top reviews from the United States. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Verified Purchase. Quite honestly, I haven't had an opportunity to get too far into the reading material of this book yet, but I can tell just by perusing it, this book is as large as a phone book and is going to be a wealth of knowledge on the subject.

It will be a book that I refer to often as I learn to use the software. Many software training books are little more than outlines of an application's features. Not this one. I have a feeling that any conceivable question you may have on the subject will be covered in Adobe Dreamweaver Bible CS5 by Joseph Lowery.


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